Be Proud, It's Yours

Everybody who has been in school or college has had to deal with group work. And anyone who actually cares about their grade or how their presentation of their work looks LOATHES group work. Because there is always that one or two people who care more about the assignment than the others.

Sometimes I am sketchy about working with other people employment wise because they may not care about the job or take it as serious as I do. But I think it shows a lot regarding work ethic and the care and passion you have towards whatever it is you may be working on at that time. I had the opportunity to see a close family friend/Sister of mine perform at an event. She (Niecy Blues) sings and has been singing for a while now (since childhood). Watching her perform and engage with the crowd and just have fun in her craft really shows how much she cares about her art. Her passion shines through. She won't just let any person attach themselves to something she is proud of. I also had the chance to sit with her while she worked in the studio once. Just listening to the detail she wanted in her music and making sure that those she did work with illustrated her passion perfectly showed the passion that illuminated in her performance.

We all should have that mentality. Be proud of whatever you're working on. Don't think that you're ever finished perfecting that gift/business/goal/ education or degree. Don't let those who aren't as passionate as you dull your light. Because when you're proud of your art or goal and you're passionate about it. It shows.
-Until Next Time 'Riah :) 

P.s. I mentioned Niecy Blues earlier. (Shameless Plug) if you would like to check out her music she has an EP out called Opaque check it out! On Google play music, ITunes, Soundcloud (Niecy Blues-Opaque EP)


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