
One thing that I struggle with from time to time is self-care. As a student learning about mental health, it is highly stressed that you take time to care for yourself. Trust me obtaining a Masters in Counseling they make you be VERY introspective (along with the work being a lot). I discovered and have learned that I tend to space out and one day while doing this mentally I began to think to myself "What Am I Thinking About?" and I realized as I sifted through my thoughts that I was thinking about a little bit of everything. I could not pick one thing that I was thinking about because I was thinking about a number of things (e.g. all the work I needed to get done, all of the school work I needed to get done, have I eaten today? I need to clean my house, etc.) Often when thinking about a number of things I can neglect self-care.

Simply put self-care is taking care of yourself. Taking time to do something that will in a sense reset you especially when you feel overwhelmed from life and whatever may stress you out. Some things that can be self-care could be walking, doing yoga, or any activity that makes you happy and gives you a chance to breathe/ relax. Part of being healthy is taking time for ourselves. Things that help me with self-care include Yoga, Running,
Writing, and most times a cup of coffee, lighting candles, and sitting in silence. I have not been able to do these things and I feel it!

Overall, let's try harder to be intentional about taking care of ourselves holistically (Mentally, Physically, and Spiritually). Figure out what that thing is for you and take time for that thing or activity every day no matter how long it is. I'll do the same and trust me. I'm sure we will be better for it :)

Let me know if you know what your self-care is... Do you do it everyday or when you feel you need it? How does it help?

Thanks for reading and until next time -X.O. 💓

p.s. The random scenic picture I took was completely intentional... Part of my self-care: Beautiful scenery 🙂


  1. Sometimes your life can get hijacked with everyone's else's agenda and not your own. This causes you to think on many things at one time. Once we come into realization that self care is needed and it's not a selfish act on our part we'd be better off. It is very important and ok to take time out for ourselves and don't feel guilty about it.....It's rewarding, refreshing and it makes you better at what you do.
    It's also ok to say no to others sometimes. We, including myself in times past tend to put more on our plates then we need to. We become boggled down with a overwhelming load, "asking ourselves how did we arrive here"! I enjoy my self care daily with quiet time and cup of coffee and quarterly spa time. Again it's important to replenish, it allows you to serve or help others out of the overflow you can't serve from a empty vessel nor can you pour from empty cup. Self-care is a act of self-love.

    1. "Self-Care is about Self-Love" I love this. And very true. If we thought about it being an act of love towards ourselves we would probably engage in it more.


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