What I Learned from my College Experience
I am done with my Undergraduate degree! My goodness, literally that is all I can say when I think about it. I graduated with a Bachelors of Science majoring in Psychology. Yes, I like knowing how people think and why..... No, I cannot diagnose you for certain (I could observe you and come up with some possibilities).... No, I cannot read your mind. Lol For some reason people always think those particular things when I say that I majored in Psychology. It was an amazing experience though.
So four years of college and now I am home twiddling my thumbs... Just kidding. I'm looking for jobs and enjoying the time I have away from educational responsibility. So I thought with it still being fresh on my mind, I would relay some personal words of wisdom if you will. Here are five big tips I would share from my college experience... Trust me there are a BUNCH more I could share but these are the big ones....
Organization Is Key to Success: This is probably what kept me sane. Not being organized or not knowing where to find things makes me panic (just a little). Knowing when and where everything from my classes, to meetings, to people and even things like my stapler were at when I needed it/them helped the world stay turning for me. I think that everyone has their specific way of being organized and for me it was writing things down or putting it in my phone calender with a reminder. But organization for someone else may look like totally different. It's key to figure out what what works for you and stick to that. Disorganization to me, creates stress mentally and physically.
Take Advantage of Experiences (leaderships, clubs and organizations): My first year of college I used to step back and see "okay what am I getting myself into?" and I joined some clubs and got involved. My second year I really began to jump into leadership roles. I became president of a community service fraternity, I was a resident assistant, I was involved in religious organizations, and all on top of continuing to maintain my grades. When I transferred I did not do as much, but I jumped into being a teaching assistant, vice president of the psychology club, and being inducted into honor societies. I said all that to say: Don't be afraid of leadership and other clubs and organizations that interest you. College is not JUST about making the grades, it's about being well-rounded. What else will you do with your four years? Develop leadership skills, meet new people and see what you like doing and go with that. You can find something that you can get involved with somewhere on campus, leadership shouldn't be something you shy away from. It looks great on a resume.... (You'll hear that a lot). When you're job searching, previous experiences such as volunteer work, leadership, and other extracurricular activities can really help bolster your resume. Plus some of the great people I still talk to and interact with were met in school while involved in these activities. So get involved!
College is work: I went into the college experience expecting to do a lot more work than I had to in high school. Don't bring your high school attitude to college. Because you will have to throw it out and Fast. College is a personally motivated "beast" (for lack of a better word). You have to do the work and can't expect the work to be done for you nor expect professors to sugar coat the work that you have to do and take responsibility for. Now don't get me wrong, they will help you if you need it. Which leads me to communication. It always helps to talk to your professors! Develop that relationship with your professors and they will be willing to help you out. PLUS, it's preparing you for the career that you want in life on so you should be taking in all the information that you can so you can develop your career later right?
Don't Wish it away: This is a big one. We college students can't wait until the weekend or can't wait until the next break.. But wishing and hoping for the next weekend or Thursday for Scandal is robbing us of the time we have in school. With this tip I want to convey that you have to appreciate the moments and opportunities that you are getting the chance to experience. Don't wish away precious time to really experience college for what it is. Sure it's stressful sometimes but just think someone is wanting to be where you are. Breaks are great, Spring break, fall Break, Winter break! But just don't go day to day waiting on your next break.
Don't Neglect YOU: I saved the best for last. College students are known for sleepless nights cramming, Ramen noodles, and gaining weight (well supposedly anyway). These are unhealthy behaviors. So be very aware of what you eat and what you do while in college. Yes, we get on that college student budget and Ramen noodles are cheap and easy but don't be afraid to explore around for healthy options. SLEEP! at NIGHT! Not sleeping is terrible. All college students can quickly tell you napping is the best part of the day but don't forsake your actual nighttime rest as well. I actually eventually got to the point that I had somewhat of a bedtime.... Yes a self-imposed bedtime throughout the week. and most times I stuck to it, and if I didn't I would just say okay I'm going to work for this long then I'm not studying anymore. Because it kept me organized and I wasn't stressing out before I had to sleep. This tip also includes non school related activities you may enjoy like seeing a movie or going to explore the town. De-stressing was important for me. Sometimes I would go get my nails done or go see a movie either by myself or with friends, I even got into yoga. Because It took my mind off of school and it was something I enjoyed doing. So just take time to relax. Give yourself a break. :)
These were the big things that I took away from my overall experience from undergrad and I hope that they help you. These can be applied anywhere I believe because college is just preparation for life. Hopefully you can use these tweak them to your life and be successful at whatever stage in life you are currently in. Ultimately though wherever you may be Enjoy it, Learn from it, and Utilize it
-XoXo 'Riah
Organization Is Key to Success: This is probably what kept me sane. Not being organized or not knowing where to find things makes me panic (just a little). Knowing when and where everything from my classes, to meetings, to people and even things like my stapler were at when I needed it/them helped the world stay turning for me. I think that everyone has their specific way of being organized and for me it was writing things down or putting it in my phone calender with a reminder. But organization for someone else may look like totally different. It's key to figure out what what works for you and stick to that. Disorganization to me, creates stress mentally and physically.
Take Advantage of Experiences (leaderships, clubs and organizations): My first year of college I used to step back and see "okay what am I getting myself into?" and I joined some clubs and got involved. My second year I really began to jump into leadership roles. I became president of a community service fraternity, I was a resident assistant, I was involved in religious organizations, and all on top of continuing to maintain my grades. When I transferred I did not do as much, but I jumped into being a teaching assistant, vice president of the psychology club, and being inducted into honor societies. I said all that to say: Don't be afraid of leadership and other clubs and organizations that interest you. College is not JUST about making the grades, it's about being well-rounded. What else will you do with your four years? Develop leadership skills, meet new people and see what you like doing and go with that. You can find something that you can get involved with somewhere on campus, leadership shouldn't be something you shy away from. It looks great on a resume.... (You'll hear that a lot). When you're job searching, previous experiences such as volunteer work, leadership, and other extracurricular activities can really help bolster your resume. Plus some of the great people I still talk to and interact with were met in school while involved in these activities. So get involved!
College is work: I went into the college experience expecting to do a lot more work than I had to in high school. Don't bring your high school attitude to college. Because you will have to throw it out and Fast. College is a personally motivated "beast" (for lack of a better word). You have to do the work and can't expect the work to be done for you nor expect professors to sugar coat the work that you have to do and take responsibility for. Now don't get me wrong, they will help you if you need it. Which leads me to communication. It always helps to talk to your professors! Develop that relationship with your professors and they will be willing to help you out. PLUS, it's preparing you for the career that you want in life on so you should be taking in all the information that you can so you can develop your career later right?
Don't Wish it away: This is a big one. We college students can't wait until the weekend or can't wait until the next break.. But wishing and hoping for the next weekend or Thursday for Scandal is robbing us of the time we have in school. With this tip I want to convey that you have to appreciate the moments and opportunities that you are getting the chance to experience. Don't wish away precious time to really experience college for what it is. Sure it's stressful sometimes but just think someone is wanting to be where you are. Breaks are great, Spring break, fall Break, Winter break! But just don't go day to day waiting on your next break.
Don't Neglect YOU: I saved the best for last. College students are known for sleepless nights cramming, Ramen noodles, and gaining weight (well supposedly anyway). These are unhealthy behaviors. So be very aware of what you eat and what you do while in college. Yes, we get on that college student budget and Ramen noodles are cheap and easy but don't be afraid to explore around for healthy options. SLEEP! at NIGHT! Not sleeping is terrible. All college students can quickly tell you napping is the best part of the day but don't forsake your actual nighttime rest as well. I actually eventually got to the point that I had somewhat of a bedtime.... Yes a self-imposed bedtime throughout the week. and most times I stuck to it, and if I didn't I would just say okay I'm going to work for this long then I'm not studying anymore. Because it kept me organized and I wasn't stressing out before I had to sleep. This tip also includes non school related activities you may enjoy like seeing a movie or going to explore the town. De-stressing was important for me. Sometimes I would go get my nails done or go see a movie either by myself or with friends, I even got into yoga. Because It took my mind off of school and it was something I enjoyed doing. So just take time to relax. Give yourself a break. :)
These were the big things that I took away from my overall experience from undergrad and I hope that they help you. These can be applied anywhere I believe because college is just preparation for life. Hopefully you can use these tweak them to your life and be successful at whatever stage in life you are currently in. Ultimately though wherever you may be Enjoy it, Learn from it, and Utilize it
-XoXo 'Riah
“Limitations live only in our minds. But if we use our imaginations, our possibilities become limitless.”
I am so very Proud of you and your accomplishments. “A milestone has passed, a new thing in the making, one goal achieved, a victory won! "Now That's Graduation!”
“The difference between school and life? In school, you're taught a lesson and then given a test. In life, you're given a test that teaches you a lesson.
“I pray & hope your dreams take you... to the destined place God has for you. Continuous smiles and joy fill your heart to the highest of your hopes, to the windows of your new opportunities, and to the most special places your heart has ever known.” Love Ya Always MUMSY
Perfect. I love that :)