God and Gifts

I saw a video on Facebook posted by singer and actor Tyrese Gibson and he was saying some really wise things that just left me in "Think About It" mode.

Tyrese: Power of Specific Prayers

the link provided above is to the video.

One thing that really stuck out to me was when he said "God will never give you something that belongs to somebody else." If I don't remember anything else from that video I'll remember those words. I don't know why but I will. I mean think about it.... For me it boils down to a lack of patience. Because God knows exactly what we want. He knows the desires of our hearts and if we prematurely try to pursue something, it may not be what he has for us, A. or B. it's just not the time for that thing....But that is just my opinion.

Watch the video and let me know what you think...What was something that stuck out to you in that video, or was there something you didn't necessarily agree with? Let me know your thoughts!


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