Masters in the Making: Year 2

If you have visited my Meet The Author post then you have seen that currently I am working on getting my Master's Degree! (If this is news to you..... Take a trip to the top of the post and click on the Meet the Author Link! ..... Then come back 😊
I am currently in my second year, first semester of my Clinical Mental Health Counseling degree. Usually when people ask "How's School Going?" My responses is a DEEP SIGH, followed by "It's Going." That is the most honest response because it's true. Getting a Masters degree, although I knew it was going to be a step above a Bachelor's degree, is a LOT of work. I have never been so challenged, so self-aware and self-conscious ever. Within one year I have had to make many decisions and also learn about myself. As I train to become a mental health professional, I also have to be aware of my own mental health. This has been the hardest part of my program because it has made me think about how things in my life have affected me on a conscious or unconscious level and being completely vulnerable and honest with myself. The academics are rigorous and require time management, perseverance, potentially giving up sleep, AND a good amount of reading.

The way I see it, thus far this experience is continuing to shape me in numerous ways. I'm having to change the way I view myself and open myself up to new experiences. I am learning to think at a deeper level but also balance who I am and not get caught up in who I am not.

If you're thinking about pursuing a Masters degree or any degree go for it. Don't rob yourself of a chance to expand your knowledge and your ability to learn from individuals who can challenge your thinking as well. Higher Education or taking on a new skill-set for that matter is challenging. A new job is challenging, Shoot doing all of the above is challenging! But it's also a learning opportunity. Just about every day I am forced to answer the question Why Am I Here? Why Am I Putting Myself Through This Hard Work? and some days it's easier to answer those question than other days but on those hard days I remind myself that "It Won't Be Like This Always." That's my mantra-- for good days and for bad days. It renews itself because there is always something better that can happen. On a bad day it's the light at the end of the tunnel. So take yourself seriously.

All in all I'm glad that I am pursuing this degree.... All I need to do is finish! #OneMoreYear!

Let me know your goals? What are you thinking about pursuing? If you're in the middle of it (New Job, New Degree, New anything! how is it going for you? and or what's your mantra?

Until Next Time -XO 💓💓

P.S. If you're interested I wrote about my undergraduate experience and gave my tips that could easily apply about how to get through and enjoy it in the process! Check it out 😉 #ShamelessPlug
What I learned From My Undergrad College Experience


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