Let's Expand Our Options!

Recently I had to take my car into the dealership to fix a recall issue (Not too long of a story but the setting is the only part that is important). ANYWAY, as I was leaving I began looking at some cars on the lot. Now I have my heart set on a Toyota Rav 4 as my next car. I have a malibu currently and want to get into something bigger. But I came across a Buick Encore and it was very nice! Not something I had considered and after seeing it,
I began to rethink my next car options. I saw the Encore, it was the perfect size, great color, the interior was nice. Seemingly everything that I was looking for in another car. After seeing a Rav 4 on the road riding past, I was thinking "Man, I need to do some research."

My point from this experience is that sometimes we have our heart set on one thing we have a perfect plan set up for our lives and are working towards a specific something but don't be afraid to give your plans/ideas some competition. I know that I will get my heart set on one thing and then become rigid. I learn though that when I ease up and give myself some wiggle room, I may find something better or a new option to add to my list. Competition makes you test your first choice. Now I'm not saying that you should be always looking for something better because there will always be something better regardless. But what I am saying is don't be afraid to let your choice be tested by something else that presents itself. Give it a chance to really prove that it's what you want. Because who know what you may be missing out on especially if you're sticking to one thing.

Well until next time!


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