Communication Part III

**Forgive my absence! Had technical difficulties **

I am going to finally end communicator series. I will link them here Immediate Communicator (Part 1) Slower Communicator  (Part 2)! Hopefully you can relate to one of these three types that I have written about.

The final type of communicator that I had to really put together was a difficult communicator. This type of communicator is a silent individual. I thought of a volcano person. They soak everything in and will not tell you anything. You may get bits and pieces of the problem as they arise but there may be no real resolve. Then one thing like a bad day will start a snow ball effect and the person may end up erupting. Sometimes the reason this person develops this type of communication may be due to a single or number of incidents that stunted their communication skills. This could also be due to not learning how to properly communicate. But all hope is not lost! If you identify with this type of communicator you should actively work on voicing your needs as you experience them, problems that arise as they come about, and things that you are or are not okay with. Letting things build up until you explode can end with 1) Nothing being solved 2) Your health being affected 3) People tip-toeing around you because they don't know what to expect. When I say that your health can be affected, I mean it literally mentally and physically. I have seen family experience this and I have seen evidence from psychology. I have even experienced stress affecting my health as well It's not healthy. That's why people do things that relieve stress such as yoga or exercise.

If you happen to interact with someone who has this type of communication, Pay Attention to body signals that indicate that they are upset. What are somethings they may do? Can you see when they begin to shut down or shut you out? Are they silent when a problem arises? If you study someone (in a non-creepy way) and you notice that maybe the only time they tell you something is wrong is when they are explosive; begin to ask that person to tell you the problem. You really have to give them your attention and listen. Patience and really letting that person speak is important, they need to feel that they have a chance to voice what they are thinking and feeling. Then work through that problem together.

Overall, communication is give and take. It's taking turns. You give your side, talk when its your turn and then let the other person speak. You take time to really resolve issues. None of us are perfect at it and we all can work at it but we can improve! Life is too short to stay mad or upset at things that could have been dealt with yesteryear... So I hope this helps someone! Share these posts with someone maybe you think can identify with these types and let's work on our communication skills together :)



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