Ignorance is No Longer Bliss

Hey all!

How many of us have used the phrase "Ignorance is Bliss" or have heard someone say that? Another question: Do you actually believe that?

For me, I did not understand that phrase mainly because I believe the word ignorant was used out of context for a long time, and just recently has the word began to be used in its correct form. Pretty much the phrase, to me, means that not knowing or being in a state of no knowledge is happiness.

For a while, I believed that (for certain situations of course). But life happens and in a sense it forces you to get out of your ignorant funk. It all goes back to my last post about not being afraid to do something out of your comfort zone. Here's the kicker though, people take advantage of that ignorance....... YES they do! Whether you know it or not, people are making profits off of what you do not know, and they are also shaping this world around it. We as citizens, need to be more aware of everything. From the food we eat, the products we use on our bodies, and everything in between. We have not been the best at being aware of the products that we invest in as well as ingest. It is only a recent occurrence that it has been put into the spotlight of being more healthy. The chemicals that are placed in foods, in hair products, and in make-up is outrageous when you really pay attention.

What's my point? Don't let your ignorance be your down fall, the world is changing. Money runs everything and with so much changing in America and the world even, there is no place for being in a state of blissful ignorance. Shape your world. Be aware, don't let others profit from you not knowing how the world works.

-XOXO Riah


  1. Very nicely said.....Knowing others is intelligence;
    knowing yourself is true wisdom.
    Mastering others is strength;
    mastering yourself is true power.


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