Always Do What You're Afraid to Do

Hey Everyone.

I avidly watch Youtube vlogs (Video Blogs) so much so that it almost takes the place of watching television itself. But on one particular vlog (GabeBabeTv), they were in a book store and they came across a notebook that had this quote on it. And she posed the question: What is some thing that you have not done because you are afraid? or have held back on because of the fear of the unknown?

That's a great question. I think it's hard to admit that you are fearful or are apprehensive to step out and know that there is a possibility that yes, you may fail or maybe it will not work out the way that you think it will or should. The hardest thing about completing a tasks is actually starting. Ask anyone, the hardest thing about going to the Gym is getting dressed, putting on tennis shoes and getting to the gym. After you're there the rest is relatively easy. But making the decision to get there and exercise is the hardest part.

One thing I know that was hard for me was revealing my writings to people even those close to me. I have been a writer for years now, so writing is personal. And I was afraid to share those things because they are close to me, its not just words it's more than that; So it is still a journey but I'm happy that I've shared because it's not just me enjoying my talents but others as well. It was hard but the ending reward is greater than the fear it took to get there. 

So what's something maybe you have not done because of fear or apprehension? Or what is something that you have done that you overcame the fear and are on your journey with currently? Let me know

-XOXO Riah 


  1. Every achievement comes with a price. For some, this price is minor, while for others, hefty which involves facing your fears. Your responsibility is the courage to do something new to let go of past beliefs and fears. Embark on a creative departure. A jet plane is an incredible machine, but at the gate, doesn’t do anything related to its higher purpose. It has to fly away in order to reach its full potential. As Einstein put it, insanity is “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” If you want the thing you’ve never had, then do the thing you’ve never done. Keep this in mind "Everything you want is on the other side of fear"!

    1. So true! I love the analogy with the plane. It is a great way to look at it. Thanks for commenting !


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