I Can Make Time Stand Still

Alright, If you had not see this or heard about Jaden and Willow's (Will and Jada Pinkett Smith's children) interesting comments on the world well I will let you in on a little bit of the interview... (if you really want to know more about this interview let me know)
I've had a particular time in my life where one major thing happened and after that, I felt like I was on autopilot. It wasn't until I had a conversation with some people important to me that I realized that I was not truly living in my life. I was there but not fully there. Like my mind was separate from my body and this wasn't for weeks, or months but years. I was autopilot for about four years. I didn't know what was going on with my life. I can't describe it but I was stuck in a moment in my life. My body continued doing what I had to do but mind was still back that at major event that I experienced. So four years of my life proceeded to continue on without me fully aware of it. I'm glad I came to the realization that I needed to snap out of it and check into now.
This portion of the interview after reading it stuck out to me because it made the most sense. Not all of it, but its relatable. Here's why: Time is an interesting concept. In the form that Jaden was talking about, I took it as time can be symbolically interpreted. If you don't live life in moments, like really there experiencing it, time can speed up. And next thing you know, a year has gone by and you don't even know where the time went. But if you are living in the here and now. If you decide to really experience moments as they are occurring then time has a way of standing still.
Overall, I shared that to say I can understand what Jaden was talking about. We have the power to really bask in moments and make time SYMBOLICALLY stand still. But we also have the power to miss what is going on in our lives and then time passes us by. So C'est La Vie, Carpe Diem ! And be Aware!
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