Can We Look Past the Elephant in the Room?
If the tensions in Ferguson, Missouri were about to quiet down, gasoline and more wood has been added to the flame and a massive explosion has erupted. The officer who was involved in the Micheal Brown case will not be indicted in front of a grand jury. Pretty much the man is walking free. While a human being is still dead.
Now I'll be honest, I tried for a while to remain neutral. I tried to separate the aspect of race and not make it a race issue. "Maybe Michael Brown was guilty of stealing" Maybe he was in the wrong and the police officer acted within his "training." But here's the thing, killing Michael Brown was wrong. There were alternative to subduing him if the issue called for it. Plus, this case has opened a very quiet can of worms and guess what came out? SNAKES. This is much bigger than this one case. This has shed light on more and more corruption that is and has happened in the past.
It is hard to keep race out of it when so many other cases of police brutality have been documented and the same outcome has been police officers not being punished for their crimes, here take a look. I'm not saying that all police officers who made a bad decision on the job have gotten away with it but enough have gotten away that it has become an issue. Enough children have died senselessly. There is nothing wrong with trying to stay neutral, but it becomes an issue when you try to ignore it all together and not acknowledge the bigger issue at hand. Why did this happen? That's the true question.... What was the reason that Brown was shot, killed, and remained on the street like road kill? Why was the Officer not Indicted on Charges? Think about it: Some in the police force are and have taken advantage of their power and authority then use their badge to get away with a crime they feel they can be protected from. But do not misunderstand me, NOT ALL POLICE OFFICERS ARE THE SAME. That is not what I am saying by far.
What I am saying is that racism exists, racial profiling exists and no matter how much we think that it is not adding fuel to a quietly burning fire it is. It may not be the whole backbone of a police officer or even a neighborhood watchman's actions
but it can make up a decent portion of that vertebrae.......
Now I'll be honest, I tried for a while to remain neutral. I tried to separate the aspect of race and not make it a race issue. "Maybe Michael Brown was guilty of stealing" Maybe he was in the wrong and the police officer acted within his "training." But here's the thing, killing Michael Brown was wrong. There were alternative to subduing him if the issue called for it. Plus, this case has opened a very quiet can of worms and guess what came out? SNAKES. This is much bigger than this one case. This has shed light on more and more corruption that is and has happened in the past.

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