He Said What??

Alright you guys.... Have you heard about the LA clippers owner Donald Sterling? No? 

Let me tell you a little bit.... Basically he has voiced some disdain towards black people to his 1/2 African American 1/2 Hispanic girlfriend... (THE IRONY)...... Here's my thoughts:

He has always been this way people or at least has always had this feeling toward African Americans in the back of his mind... All it took was the right situation and circumstance for his true self to show itself. Is it shocking? Of course it is, because there are a number of African American members on the team as well as interacting with African Americans....

And The fact that he believes that he is able to order his girlfriend around as to tell her what to do, who to take pictures with and even who to bring to "his" games is sad... and she should think higher of herself than to stay with him... But like I said... money Money MONEY people (and I digress).

What can we learn from this man? Well a few things: Racism still exists.... it is alive and well in the world we live in today. We have come a long way as African Americans, Hispanics, and all other races, we are still going to face people just like this Sterling man. BUT! God created us all equal...... ALL OF US

Two we can learn how to responsibly react in these types of situations. We are going to face all types of people who aren't going to like you or me for any reason... and according to Donald Sterling that "thing" could be merely the color of your skin. Let's not get crazy guys. We can express how we do not approve of his actions through a series of things (Which may probably take place here in a few days.... keep look out)

Third thing we can learn, everybody you hang out with may not like some of you or even all of you. Sterling interacts with black people maybe 70% of the time and yet he voices these feelings. Just because he is with African Americans doesn't mean that he has to like them... and that is just like real life.... Learn people... Don't be surprised

All In All Y'all, who you really are will come out... As my pastor quoted, "What's in you will come out of you" when the squeeze is on... So use this situation and evaluate yourself, and even those who you hang around....When times get tough what's possibly gonna be revealed about your true self? Think About It....


  1. You are discussing many important points in your comment, hitting the nail on the head!
    The Sterling Scandal highlights how present racism still is in today's society and it brings some attention to the topic. But with all the justified outrage, let's not forget: This is something that still happens way too often in people's everyday lives! We all can and should be disgusted by Sterling's hateful remarks - but let's not act as if we are so surprised about the fact that thoughts like Sterling's are still existant. Everybody walking through life with his or her eyes and ears open can find numerous examples of racism, so we shouldn't see this as a seldom single case.
    We have to acknowledge although we aren't living in the 1960s anymore, there is still is a long way to go! But even in this situation there are good signs for the future. For me, the most impressive step wasn't the lifetime ban announced by Commisioner Silver... it was the Clippers players, employees and fans standing together against those racist comments. Watching the players showing their protest by wearing their warm-up jackets turned inside-out and the fans holding up hand-written protest signs against Sterling's racist hate made me proud. This is the only way we can end racism - together, united, with strong minds and open hearts. Let's take the Clipper's reaction as a good example...

    1. You are completely right. I think that the point that I liked the most was the point that you made was the fact that the fans, the players and employees all stood together for the common cause. Back in the 1960's it was every race for themselves. Now we have people of all races who will stand together against people like sterling. There's power in numbers. It's definitely something to be proud of !


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