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New Year Reflections

Happy 2020!  What's up reader! Can you believe that we are in 2020? It's unreal. So much has already happened and we are like a month and a few days in. On my end, I finished school and got my degree! If you didn't know, I was working on (and finished) my Masters of Arts in Clinical Mental Health Counseling. And I am so glad I completed that part of my journey. But lately, it feels as though the hard part is just beginning. The idea of having to be a non-student adult is a tad scary. Because I want to so desperately be in the purpose that God has for my life. I want to help people with my education, I also want to make a decent living. But like my mother and grandmother tell me, "how do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time." The hard part about that quote is figuring out where do you start? An elephant is HUGE! Do you start at the legs? The Ears? The Trunk?  🙇Welcome to the complicatedness of my mind. This is where I am right now. I am figuring out where t...

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