All That and a Bag of Chips

Heeeyyyy! So recently, I've been thinking about myself and things that I do a lot (partly because I've been reading Steve Harvey's Act Like a Success, Think Like a Success) and One thing that I've noticed is bad habits.... So I wanted to share... Hopefully this get's you to thinking about yourself as well....

Background: I remember as a child thinking alot. And I'm not talking about thinking like a normal child would about.... well normal kid stuff but in depth life thinking. Which is nature and nurture (aka: Nature- your genetics and Nurture- your environment and how you are raised)... So I would tussle with all kinds of things and it really hindered living you know? And I think that is something that a lot of people do and it makes us miss out on decisions or chances that could really change our life or just add on to the experiences that we may not get to experience.

For example: If I wanted something as a child, I would immediately go into my head and say okay if I ask this.... maybe I shouldn't, maybe my parents have other things better to do, maybe this maybe that, and eventually I would think myself out of asking or even doing an activity.

You know what they say about habits?? THEY FOLLOW YOU. and it's so true. I mean think about it... Think about something you may struggle with now..... Now think about the beginning of that habit... It probably has been around for a long period of time, you just haven't noticed. Or maybe you have and just have decided to ignore it...

As individuals we should always be trying to improve ourselves, and that was actually a chapter of Steve Harvey's book that I mentioned before. We always need to have a goal in mind, a plan to want to achieve. And that starts by really truly examining ourselves to see where do we need improvement... Here's a secret for you: You Aren't Perfect.... Shocker right? You don't hold all the answers, you aren't perfect Patty/Patrick. And you shouldn't want to be. Perfection to me is like a stop sign, you have nowhere else to go, nothing else to do.. it's perception, you may see it differently than I do .BUT I've said all this to say I'm doing true self examination and want you to try it, where do you need to improve? What are some of your bad habits? What are you working towards and what steps are you taking to get there?.... #ThinkAboutIt

P.S. I've mentioned the Steve Harvey Book a few times in this post... If you hadn't noticed. But I do recommend reading it. It's very informative but also gets you thinking about things. Some things you have heard before But sometimes repetition from a different source makes things click or gets the light bulb to turn on.... So check it out! 


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