Can't Judge the Book... By it's Mugshot?

Face look familiar? Well it should, he's probably the most popular face/mugshot trending on social media currently...

Meet Jeremy Ray Meeks. He's 30 years old married, with two children (sorry ladies) and has been trending on social media for probably about two weeks now.. Maybe longer. The picture above is the one that has put Meeks in the spotlight because he has the look and eyes that make him seemingly photoshoot ready. So as per the title of this blog which was cleverly titled as a devil's advocate type of thing... I shall be taking a different approach to this story.... bear with me, keep an open mind, continue reading

OKAY, according to some research that I have been doing Meeks was arrested for charges related to firearm possession, gang membership and probation violation. BUT the fact of the matter is, he may not be guilty of really anything but associating with the wrong people. According to what I've read (Click for More Information: Meeks News Article) Meeks seemingly was in the wrong place with the wrong people at the wrong time. Not to say that he doesn't have a past of criminal history but the news can only say so much you know? And that's my educated guess about Meeks.

All I'm saying is we can't judge this man based on his past, nor can we automatically sentence to a not so bright future... we know very little to nothing about him. He's not perfect, he may look perfect (JUST KIDDING!) but we can all learn a very valuable lesson from this guy and his story. When you have a past,  you have to go the extra mile to make sure that you aren't caught in the wrong place with the wrong time. You have to do what you gotta do. Now I'm not saying that Meeks is innocent nor am I saying that he is guilty. You look him up and make your own educated guess. All I'm saying is let's not use this guys looks nor his past mistakes to determine what kind of person he is.

Here's some other links, another news article, the facebook page as well as the fundraiser link which his mother started for Meeks defense... Not some desperate for attention female (as some rumors have said).... anyway click around the links, I found them interesting then leave comments about Meeks and what you think about this whole story... or just thoughts about the post! I'd love to hear what you think.
Meeks' News Article
Link to the Fundraiser for Meeks
Meeks Community Facebook Page


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