Compliment vs. Complement: What Do You Want?

First off, I give all credit to God for this topic. Because I definitely (at least I don't think I could have) thought of this on my own. So with that in mind Let's Talk about what God graciously blessed my mind with today...
So we are all familiar with the two words Complement and Compliment. If not, here's some definitions that will let you know how, when using these words, I am thinking of them.

According to
Compliment: an expression of praise, commendation, or admiration.(noun)
Complement: something that completes or makes perfect(noun)... I will be using it in its verb tense which is defined as to complete, form a complement to

According to
Compliment: A polite expression of praise or admiration (noun)
Complement: A thing that completes or brings to perfection (noun).... **verb: add to (something) in a way that enhances or improves it; make perfect**

The ingenuity of this blows my mind seriously. I thought about it and you really have to think about it! But here's what I mean...

Both words are meaningful and significant. ComplIment is praise. It's what one individual gets. It's focus is (to me, in this context) is one person (not to say getting compliments is bad because they are valuable). But its doppleganger (if you allow me to say) ComplEment is addition, its completion it's focus is two becoming one. I love the google verb definition because that's exactly what I mean and hows its coming off in my head. The example that God gave me was Adam and Eve. God created Adam whole. Then God created Eve whole and the two were whole together (unless you consider the rib, that's like a new story for a new day). While in the garden Adam had everything he needed when Eve came into his life... But then God thought of Adam, (it is not good for man to be alone) So God gave Adam someone who was perfect for him in all the right ways(The bible uses the word complement; Gen2:18 amp) God didn't give Eve to Adam because he was lacking in some area. He gave her as a complement to to Adam.

For me I don't believe that two incomplete people can make one whole individual. It doesn't work like that. I believe that individuals must get to a place of wholeness...Does that mean that you are perfect in all ways? No definitely not. But you cannot be in a place where you are looking for someone to complete you. Only God can do that.You can't be 50% with yourself looking for someone to be another 50% to create 100% You need to be 100% with yourself then with timing God brings the next 100% to add to what you already have. It's addition. and when its the right addition that person enhances you. and both of you together are productive together.

I shall end on that note. Let me know your thoughts !


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